No, you're dumb

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This message was posted by mikael, posted on July 22, 2001 at 14:12:32 coming from 213.116.220
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This message is a reply to Because no one is creating snes shit anymore.... u dumb ... NT posted from Yamaneko posted at July 22, 2001 at 10:14:13
What the fuck do you know who's doing what?

There's a group that have a remade Zelda I into an new entire game, based on its engine. C. Covell made a homemade NES game, and that's more than 10 years after the game was released.
Who says someone won't make some cool remake of FF3 or any other SNES game in the year 2005, and maybe add some graphics to it that'll make it bigger?

What the FUCK do you know who might do what? And what do you care? If I spend an extra 20 dollars on it, it's my GAIN, and if you don't then it's your LOSS!


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